Leaf Art

When it comes to Pinterest finds, I am so hopeful that someday things will work out the way I imagine the crafts will, as I am planning. I have wanted to do this Leaf Art do-it-yourself for months. I got a great frame for it thanks to a half off coupon I finally went and bought it. Easily enough, I just clipped a frond from a palm tree in my home that is slowly dying since I live in a basement and there is no way my palm is getting enough sun, so I decided it could provide a great start to this craft.

Frame. Frond. And Done.

That’s it. Really no planning at all. The weave is easy enough to understand. The biggest problem is that the ratio of leaf number to leaf length wasn’t the same as the example’s ratio. This ratio problem caused the area of the leaf nearest the midrib to be empty and not have any leaf that would reach there to the middle.

I re-did the craft with a different species of palm, and the individual leaflets are more spaces out and leave more negative space within the weave, now it looks more like the original inspiration, but still unique.

So many things about this make it so simple, yet tweaking the type of leaf, angle the leaflet is bent, and the size of the frame really change things up. With that, take this information and go out there, and make it your own!


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