Waffle Worship

Churro Waffles-
One of my favorite pinterest finds from years past was the churro waffle. It is exactly as it sounds. A whole lot of cinnamon and sugar on a waffle, it was one of my favorite party foods back when I was a freshman in college.

When I made this for the first time, I also made a great friend that I ended up having as a roommate, but we're now old and married and churro waffles are our way of reminiscing together.

How to:
Make waffles...  whatever way you do best
Dip waffle in melted butter (I put the butter on a plate and dip it like an egg bath for fried chicken)
Dip buttery waffle in cinnamon sugar mixture!

Waffle Sandwich-
Another waffle party food I learned from a friend back in freshman year is the waffle sandwich, also exactly as it sounds.

How to:
Make waffles... whatever way you do best
Slather Nutella on one waffle
Slather peanut butter on another
Add a big scoop of ice cream!

Smush the halves together and eat it before you  get a sticky drippy mess all over your hands and arms

Other commentary-
Also works well with Eggos, but is obviously better with fresh homemade waffles.
Additional toppings - whipped cream, sprinkles, whatever your inner fatty desires!

These are so easy and fun to make with people and enjoy together in a big 'ole kitchen surrounded by friends and family!


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